This is a line I often hear from people who need to gain weight for their health. Many times, these are people who have worked hard at dieting and reached a weight that was celebrated, complimented, and envied by family and friends. Hearing that they need to regain weight is a real blow, and working towards weight gain can be a significant challenge.
"It's so hard to gain weight when I know I COULD be thinner! I know what to do! I know how to stay at a low weight."
Yes. Yes, you do know what to do. You know how to do all the things required to maintain a low weight, and you have the determination to do it. If you choose to, you can. Remember, though, that saying yes to one thing means saying no to something else.
By saying yes to maintaining a weight that is too low, you may also be saying no to:
stronger bones
improved digestion
better brain health
increased energy
restorative sleep
healthier hair, skin, and nails
a strong immune system
natural fertility
feeling more relaxed
being more spontaneous
less time obsessing about food and body
more time to do the things you really love
fully living your life
It is undoubtedly hard to choose to gain weight in a world that seems to idolize thinness. But that's all it really is - the worship of something false. It's an illusion that thinness will guarantee a happier life. In fact, choosing to keep your body smaller than it's supposed to be will probably also shrink your chances for connection, inner peace, and happiness.
