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Jun 28, 20222 min read
I'm a Dietitian and Here's What My Kids Eat
by Batsheva Herzka, RDN What you might think of me: You're a dietitian; therefore, your kids eat three balanced meals a day, plus...
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Oct 3, 20211 min read
Why To Let Your Kiddo Cook
What's small, round, and blue? A cranberry holding its breath, of course! What's a pilot's favorite yogurt? "Plane" yogurt! See what fun...
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Jun 6, 20212 min read
What's the Deal with Growth Charts?
Growth charts are a helpful tool in assessing normal versus abnormal growth patterns. They are composed of a series of percentile curves...
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Nov 18, 20203 min read
The Day My Daughter Got a Barbie Doll
Not my idea, as you might've predicted. But now that Barbie was here, I figured I might as well make the most of it and turn her into a...
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Jul 28, 20207 min read
Snacking Strategies for a Sweet Summer
Managing treats – or fun foods, as I like to call them – is something that many parents find tricky in general, but summertime brings its...
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May 14, 20193 min read
Kid-Friendly Meal Ideas:
Helping kids adventure beyond the boundaries that they like to impose can be fun, delicious and liberating for the whole family.
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Mar 5, 20196 min read
Growing Body-Confident Kids
It’s fascinating to me that one of the first questions asked after a baby is born is, “How much does she weigh?” Why is this of such...
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Jan 29, 20194 min read
Why Ignoring an Eating Disorder Doesn't Make it Go Away
It's always difficult to tell parents that their child has a problem requiring treatment. Even when the problem is readily apparent. And...
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Jan 27, 20191 min read
Lunchroom Lessons
In life, we all have teachers, and we all have "un-teachers" - those individuals who help us unlearn the myths, lies, and other harmful...
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Jan 24, 20196 min read
Raising an Adventurous Eater
Dear Dina, How can I prevent my baby from becoming a picky eater? We have lots of fussy eaters in the family and I want to help him learn...
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Feb 18, 20185 min read
Little Kids, Big Feelings
Dear Dina, My son is six years old and has recently put on a lot of weight. Ever since noticing his weight gain, I haven’t been letting...
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