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Dina Cohen

Powering Up

Are you back at work onsite instead of at home? Do you have kids back at school? Maybe you're spending more time in the car now and have to bring a snack along so that you don't come home famished. If you or yours are going to be spending more time out of the house now, it's a good idea to power up with a balanced breakfast before getting out. Don't forget balanced snacks to help you stay energized!

Here are some tried-and-true ideas from Dina and Noa:


  • Scrambled eggs + cheese in a wrap (can add spinach, mushrooms, or veggie of your choice)

  • Toasted whole wheat pita + banana and peanut butter (try in panini-maker) + cup of milk

  • Bran flakes + freeze-dried raspberries + milk

  • Oatmeal squares topped with almond butter + cup of milk

  • Overnight oats + blueberries + slivered almonds

  • Oatmeal made with milk +walnuts + maple syrup

  • Spinach cake muffin + cup of milk + orange slices

  • Greek yogurt + fruit + granola + nuts

  • Avocado toast + tomatoes + cup of milk

  • Smoothie made with frozen fruit and milk + whole grain muffin 

  • Whole grain pancakes +yogurt + berries


  • Hippeas chickpea puffs

  • Landau soy chips

  • Roasted chickpeas (also available pre-packaged)

  • Hummus/guacamole packets + veggies or pretzels

  • Homemade trail mix (nuts, cereal, dried fruit, chocolate chips)

  • Ants on a log (celery + PB + raisins or chocolate chips)

  • Sliced banana or apple + nut butter

  • Larabar

  • Kind bar

  • String cheese + popcorn or natural veggie chips

  • Greek yogurt + berries or sliced fruit

  • Pepper stuffed with tuna or cottage cheese

  • Cheese + crackers + olives or tomato slices 

  • Oatmeal cookies + cup of milk

  • Egg salad on rice cakes

  • Orange + a couple of squares of dark chocolate

  • Grapes + nuts (almonds/cashews/pistachios/peanuts/walnuts/sunflower seeds)

Tip: combine a starchy food or fruit with a source of protein or fat to keep your blood sugar levels more stable and give you longer-lasting energy.

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